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The corresponding author(s) are required to submit electronic Word manuscripts (.doc or .docx) exclusively, either through online submission or by emailing them to one of the following addresses: me-icms@insuf.orgsubmission-icms@insuf.org, or gargiagarwala@gmail.com. It is advisable to adhere to our provided Template. The maximum length for a full review article is 30 pages, while minireviews should not exceed 12 pages, original research articles should be a maximum of 10 pages, short communications should be within 2500 words (excluding references), and perspectives should range between 2 to 4 pages. The submitting author bears responsibility for the paper throughout the submission and peer review process. In case of technical difficulties with online submission, authors can contact support-icms@insuf.org for assistance.

Manuscript should be submitted with the understanding that they have not been previously published and are not presently being considered by any other publisher. The submitting author bears the responsibility of ensuring that all co-authors have consented to the article's publication. The official date of receipt is established solely by acknowledgment from the editorial office. Any subsequent correspondence and proofreading will be conducted with the author(s) prior to publication, unless stated otherwise. For inquiries regarding the publication of accepted papers, please direct them to editor-icms@insuf.org.

Paper Selection and Publication Process

a) Upon submission, you will receive a confirmation email within one to two working days. If you do not receive this confirmation, please contact us at me-icms@insuf.org or submission-icms@insuf.org.
b) Peer Review: We employ a double-blind peer review system where the identities of both reviewers and authors are kept confidential. Each paper will be evaluated by at least two experts, along with one editorial staff member and a technical staff member. The review process typically takes one to two weeks.
c) Notification of Review Comments: Feedback from the review will be communicated via email to the corresponding author. Authors are expected to respond promptly to the comments.
d) Upon acceptance of the manuscript, the editorial team will reach out to the corresponding author for further formalities such as galley proof approval, copyright procedures etc.

Correction and Retraction Policy

Corrections: Corrections are issued when the precision of published information significantly affects the publication record. These rectifications are included in subsequent editions within a section specifically designated for Corrections and Addenda. For such instances, please reach out to the editor/ managing editor (editor-icms@insuf.orgme-icms@insuf.org).

Retractions: Retractions happen when the primary conclusion of a paper undergoes significant compromise. It is recommended that readers first contact the authors of the original paper with any concerns, and then communicate those concerns regarding retraction consideration to the editor or managing editor (editor-icms@insuf.orgme-icms@insuf.org). Our team dedicated to research ethics and integrity will investigate the issue.